Have you ever considered investing, but you aren’t sure where to start? Maybe you’ve been told that you should save your money to invest in the next big idea, a large corporation, or the stock market. The most popular ways to invest in the financial world are through stocks, equities, and bonds. Many investors’ portfolios are exclusively composed of these types of financial assets. However, solely depending on investing in stocks or jumping into a currently popular investment craze is like throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping that it sticks. Within the stock market, there isn’t a clear path…
life in belize
David Kafka recently served as a guest on The Real Estate Espresso Podcast hosted by Victor Menasce. As the Founder & Director of 1st Choice Belize Real Estate and Caribbean Capital Group LLC, David discusses how he helps foreigners who want to own property in Belize. He also talks about what it’s like to own property there and how the economy has survived the pandemic. Watch the full episode now! Subscribe to The Real Estate Espresso Podcast here: https://apple.co/3dybyHU And, learn more about Victor Menasce, https://bit.ly/3gZUw7B Learn More about Caribbean Capital Group Can you save money by living in Belize?…