Who’s on your team?

Whos on your team

Today, I’d like to talk about why you need experts on your team.

Research is a major part of being a responsible investor and completing your due diligence — but looking up topics on the internet can only tell you so much.

Too much information (and perhaps not the right kind) can be overwhelming and might leave you more confused than when you started. Save the “DIY” for home projects.

One of the best ways to ensure your financial success is by gathering certain “players” on your business team. Your lineup should begin with a great Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

If you have syndicated investments, it’s crucial that your CPA is well-versed in this field. We all file our taxes but it is a very different experience when you work with an expert who is handling clients within the realm of syndication.

You also should employ the services of a good attorney … Someone who can work well with your CPA. The relationship between your accountant, your attorney, and yourself will create the foundation of your business plansstrategy, and goals.

Lastly, your operational team members, such as executive assistants and marketing coordinators, are also crucial to your success. I’m lucky to work alongside my daughter, Serena, and the team at Organize To Scale.

Previously, I’ve discussed topics such as precious metalsblockchain, and agriculture, but I am by no means an expert in these fields. My personal expertise lies within real estate.

So in the same way that someone would consult with me before purchasing a home or property, it’s a no-brainer that I would seek out an expert opinion before pursuing investments outside my expertise.

Finding an expert in agribusiness

As you know, I’ve long been an advocate of investing in Belize. When I observed a growing opportunity in this country’s agricultural development, I sought out a way to invest.

This interest was met with expert guidance and soon after, we began Caribbean Capital Group’s ongoing raise, Finca Chocolat Belize. We’ve partnered with a successful chocolate farm owner, David Santilli, to offer shares in a 515-acre cacao farm.

David Santilli is the Managing Director of Finca Chocolat and brought together the financial backing for the farm in 2015. He’s an American that’s lived in Belize under dual citizenship since 2006 and is also the owner of two successful tourism businesses.

Mr. Santilli believes that sustainability, employment, and community are all crucial elements to success in a small country like Belize. He personally oversees market development and the sale of fine flavor cacao at Finca Chocolat.

With my expertise in syndication and Mr. Santilli’s experience in agribusiness, I’m confident this investment will deliver a powerful combination of attractive yearly cash flow and long-term appreciation, culminating in high returns.



Create Your Future™ with Caribbean Capital Group

I’d like to personally invite you to join me at Create Your Future™ – A Goal Setting Retreat organized by The Real Estate Guys™.

This life-changing 2-1/2 day event is happening on January 6-8, 2023 in Lake Las Vegas, Nevada. If you book now through December 19, you can save big with their Early Bird Rate!

If you want to start the new year with a renewed sense of purpose with clearly defined goals, timelines, and action plans — this is the place to get it done!

Click here to register for Create Your Future™.

I look forward to seeing you there!